Course curriculum

    1. Lesson One: Jesus Style Ministry (Each slide has a corresponding video below in the Lesson) Enjoy!

    2. Teaching Video #1-1 Lenses and Perspectives Before Getting Started

    3. Teaching Video #1-2 Lenses and Perspectives Before Getting Started

    4. Teaching Video # 1-3 Lenses (Continued)

    5. Teaching Video # 1-4 Three Overarching Emphases... Core Values of Jesus!

    6. Teaching Video # 1-5 Anchor Point... Trusting Jesus!

    1. Lesson 2: Definitions Jesus Style Ministry (Each slide has a corresponding video below in the Lesson) Enjoy!

    2. Teaching Video #2-1 Connecting... The 5-Fold Ministry

    3. Teaching Video #2-2 Explore... Defining the 5-Fold

    4. Teaching Video #2-3 Applications to your ministry.

    5. Teaching Video #2-4 Illustrating Jesus, Peter, Paul :)

    6. Teaching Video #2-5 Anchor Point... Imitating Jesus in Kingdom Style Ministry

    1. Lesson 3: Motivations for Doing This Type of Ministry (Each slide has a corresponding video below in the Lesson) Enjoy!

    2. Teaching Video #3-1 Connecting... Why are you taking this course? What are you hoping to accomplish?

    3. Teaching Video #3-2 Explore the Teaching of Jesus in The Gospel of John (Chapter 15)

    4. Teaching Video #3-3 Explore the Teaching of Jesus in The Gospel of John (Chapter 15) PART TWO

    5. Teaching Video #3-4 Application... The Perfect Beginner

    6. Teaching Video #3-5 Illustration... The Back Pack!!

    7. Teaching Video #3-6 Anchor point ...The Motivations of Jesus

    1. Lesson 4: The Example of Jesus (Each slide has a corresponding video below in the Lesson) Enjoy!

    2. Teaching Video #4-1 Connecting...The Ministry Priorities of Jesus

    3. Teaching Video #4-2 Three Ministry Priorities of Jesus

    4. Teaching Video #4-3 Applying to your context... What does 'good news' look like to your neighbors?

    5. Teaching Video #4-4 Illustrating... Jesus listened for the needs of people.

    6. Teaching Video #4-5 Anchor point... Do you REALLY want to serve like Jesus? :)

    1. Lesson 5 Discernment: Hearing Jesus (Each slide has a corresponding video below in the Lesson) Enjoy!

    2. Teaching Video #5-1 Connecting... How to really hear Jesus in your ministry and life.

    3. Teaching Video #5-2 Application... Pitfalls and Pathways in Correctly Discerning God's Will.

    4. Teaching Video #5-3 Illustration... A Visual for your Leadership Bible! :)

    5. Teaching Video #5-4 Anchor point... Are you a humble person?

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 74 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content

Added Bonuses for Free

ALL students have access to a world-wide online community to share ideas, seek insight and make new friends!

  • E-Teach Online Community


    All students, whether audit or credit, will have access to our E-teach online community. You can post and develop friendships and relationships with your professors and other learners!

  • Prayer Support

    We ALL need prayer from time to time!

    All students, whether audit or credit, will have access to our prayer ministries. You can share with confidence knowing that our prayer team is the only ones who see your prayer requests. ALL PRAYERS ARE HELD IN STRICTIST CONFIDENCE.

Starting Something New: The Lay Apostle (Audit)

Jesus Style Ministry... ANYWHERE in the world!

Coming Soon!

Jesus Style Evangelism: How To Make a Kingdom Impact ANYWHERE in the World!